How does FireBlock Work?
Fireblock is a gypsum based mortar, which when mixed with water can be trowelled or poured around service penetrations or other gaps where a fire seal is needed. Once cured, Fireblock becomes impervious to smoke, toxic fumes and fire.
Key Features and Benefits of Fireblock?
Permanent ‘Fireblock’ in one hour.
Fire tested to rigorous standards. Fireblock is tested in accordance with BS476 Part 20: 1987.
Drill it, saw it, cut it – Fireblock can also be easily removed.
No slump.
Can be applied in a variety of methods depending on requirements.
Unaffected by humidity.
Offers a smoke seal.
Suitable for sealing apertures containing copper/steel pipes up to 50mm diameter.
Suitable for sealing apertures contain cables on cable trays or ladders:
Trays maximum size – 500mm x 50mm.
Ladders maximum size – 300mm wide made from 1.5mm steel.
Will not affect cable insulation or corrode metal pipes.
Reduces heat loss and increases energy efficiency.
Hardwearing, superior performance.