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Flexi – Seal is the fast, easy way to sealing solutions.

Available sizes:
10m x 25mm

Wires, pipes or tubes may need sealing or fastening together quickly, without any equipment. Ordinary adhesive tapes can be fiddly to use, and come loose when the adhesive weakens. Flexi Seal is the fast, easy solution to give a waterproof, electrically resistant and long lasting repair.


How does Flexi-Seal work?

Flexi-Seal tape is made from polyisobutylene, which when stretched and wrapped over itself, bonds together without the need of any heat or chemicals. The product then forms a seamless, waterproof, weather proof finish.

Key Features and Benefits of Flexi-Seal?

Flexi-Seal can be used for a wide range of uses including sealing weeping plastic and metal pipes and joints, waterproofing wires, power cables, repairing damaged wires and electrical connections, sealing metal surfaces against corrosion as well as jointing cables together. Can be used underwater, and protects against sea water.
