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0800 707 6434


Just adding water gets you an amazing repair mortar that’s strong, durable, and sets in minutes.

Turbomend is a powder that, when mixed with water, creates a fantastic repair mortar that is strong, has built in freeze-thaw resistance, and sets in under 30 minutes. Great to use on numerous non-structural concrete repairs.


Key Features and Benefits 
10kg tub of powder
Just add water
Trowel or pour into desired areas
Use what you need and save the rest for later
Shelf life 1 year
Works down to 0 degrees °C
Great for interior or exterior repairs

Directions for use 
Powder to clean water ratio of 1kg:150ml.
Mix to a paste consistency, and apply directly to the site of the repair.
Sets in under 30 minutes at 20 degrees °C
For external applications, protect repair from weather conditions for at least 7 days for optimum performance.

See the Turbomend Declaration of Performance (PDF)